
Hydrate Throughout the Day

So, you already know what dehydration can do to your body and your performance. You also know that you need to hydrate throughout the day in order to replenish what you lost the previous day and to prepare yourself for the coming day’s activities. However, you may not know what proper hydration is or how to hydrate before, during, and after rehearsals, workouts, and performances.


Fitness in Dance

Despite the fact that dance requires just as much athletic ability and effort as most sports, dancers are not as physically fit or healthy as most athletes of a comparable age and skill level. (This is even supported by dance research.) For the most part, dancers have a lower level of fitness because they do not overtax their system (essential for building muscle and improving cardiovascular conditioning) during class and most rehearsals. A dancer who does not exercise outside of class and rehearsal will not be adequately prepared for the physical demands of performance.


What Dehydration does to Your Body

Practically everyone knows that it is important to stay hydrated while exercising in heat. But, did you know that dehydration is just as likely during physical activity in normal temperatures, cold weather, and even indoors?


Four Great Reasons to do Pool Workouts

Performers often struggle with finding new and/or different ways to exercise without increasing their risk of developing an overuse injury.  Pool workouts offer an excellent alternative to working out in a gym with cardio equipment and weight training.

Here are 4 benefits to exercising in the pool: